
  • Coaching

    Virtual group & private sessions (60 min)

    Curl Basics - knowledge & encouragement to help reach your curl goals. Guided group course, 4-weeks, progressive.

    1:1 Coaching - practical & spiritual guidance to a happy relationship with God & self. Must book consult for link to schedule 1:1 coaching.

  • Listening

    Audio-only private sessions (60 min)

    Listening Session - Confidential phone call. Uninterrupted time of presence & prayer. Limited availability.

    *This is not coaching. It is a professional listening service. Does not replace therapy nor intended to treat severe cases of depression, grief, or other mental health issues.

  • Events

    In-person (120 min)

    Uplifting Events - Purpose is to feel encouraged and to connect with other women in Jax who share a higher mindset. Outings such as Luxury Picnics, Afternoon Tea, prayer meetups, and worship nights. See “upcoming events” on home page for the next uplifting event!

    *Events currently based in Jacksonville, FL